• Exchange can be done within 15 working days from date of purchase
  • Customers may get a refund within 4 working days of purchase provided the product is in original packing and all tags attached.
  • No exchange/ refund possible without sale invoice.
  • Used products are not refundable/exchangeable/claimable.
  • 1 month free service warranty for footwear only, after that repairing will be charged.
  • No service warranty for sales/promotional items.
  • No exchange/no claim/no refund on sales/promotional items.
  • Accessories are neither exchangeable nor refundable.
  • Claim / repairing processing time is 15 working days only.
  • Our refund policy procedure typically requires 5 to 10 working days for processing.
  • In the event that a customer cancels an order without providing a valid reason after completing an online payment, a cancellation fee of 10% of the total order value will be applied.
  • LOGO has the authority to cancel orders for any reason, such as out of stock, pricing errors, or credit card payment declined. Once the order has been shipped, a shipping confirmation will be sent with tracking information.


  • In case of replacement customer needs to send the product back to the DeVogue warehouse and pay the delivery charges. 
  • Refund cannot be granted for a parcel that is initially sent for replacement.
  • If the product is replaced once and customer still ask for another size change company has the right to reject the request if the product is not available in stock, in this case a refund will not be issued. 
  • If the product is replaced with another article that has a lower price. A coupon of the difference in price will be issued and can be used for future purchase. No cash amount will be refunded in this case.


  • If a damaged product is received by the customer, complete amount paid by the customer will be refunded including delivery charges. 
  • If a customer did not like a product and wants to return it because they changed their mind, Rs200 delivery charges along with Rs400 handling charges (Packing cost, Material cost, Labour) will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded.
  • Product cannot be refunded if claim is not submitted within 3 working days of delivery. 
  • Refund will only be processed after the product is received at the warehouse and inspected by the management.

For queries, complaints and suggestions.

Contact us: +92 302 4447643


  • Cities of Pakistan: 3 to 5 working days
  • International (outside Pakistan): 10 to 15 working days

In case of sale, natural disasters, strikes, extended public holidays, etc. deliveries might be delayed.